09 May, 2024

A Coeval Place


there can be a day
when all is as mellow
as any place on Earth
under sunshine, wind, shadows
and humidity reaching
for a taste of life.
but in this coeval place,
the forest blend argues
whether or not
enough good soil is there
to grow a flower. 
You are a flower.
move into 
the sunshine.
plant yourself inside 
dreams of success.
create those realities,
as you are held by winds
that confidently whisper,
you are beautiful.

May 2024

27 March, 2024

Changes, the When & When Not


There are times when as much as you work on a poem, the words just don't turn out to your liking. 

I reverted, The Tundra & the Apple Tree, to draft because it is one of those poems for me, that isn't where I want it to be. 

There is a too familiar flow to the lines. I always fear maybe I read a similar poem way back when or it reminds me of something that isn't reaching the surface of my memory.

Looking back, I began writing the poem with the thought of creating something silly with a contrast that gives a reader the opportunity to think, fill in their thoughts for what the words will mean. 
I know now that if that is a goal for a poem I want to write, then I have to do more pre-writing aka think, plan, practice words, than I usually do. Making a list of words I want to include can be helpful when a poem has such a specific theme. Using a thesaurus, it is easy to fall down the rabbit hole with a word. That is all right because you can pick up other words along the way.

There is no fantasy
more true
than how we,
in our element,
in this era,
on these days,
are living 
fiction ingredients 
folded into reality.

Those lines are the core of the poem, The Tundra & the Apple Tree. What I'm thinking of changing is the tundra and apple as examples to carry the theme. A week or more, and the poem should be finished to repost.

21 March, 2024

Poetry Websites


Finding a website to post your poetry can be daunting. Reading reviews have to be filtered through your priority list. 

Is the size of the website's audience number one or is it the format? There are places where poets gain status by reciprocal following. Other websites, your work sits there until somebody reads and clicks Like. Both styles do the same thing, they get your poems out in the public. 

Reading poetry based blogs is another way of spreading your words.

For a start, read 

Feedspot's,  100 Best Poetry and Websites